Get Ready for Isabella Hush - Thea Atkinson Author website

Get Ready for Isabella Hush

Isabella Hush book 2 drops June 14.

But I know you’re dying for a peek.

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Only a select few have seen the opening. Today, you’ll be one of those select few.

I hope you like it.

Bone Hunter: Chapter 1 (somewhere in the middle)

I wiped the back of my soapy hand across my mouth anyway. Looked at it, certain I would see the telltale blot of red against my skin, but nothing except soapy bubbles met my eye. Several of them popped along my wrist without making a sound.

It did nothing to make me feel better because dammit, that was just plain strange. And the taste had been so clear. Was still clear.

I ran my tongue along my palette, testing. Yes. Blood. Copper and electrode-tainted zinc with a bite that was like sticking your tongue on a battery.

I wiped my hands on a towel and probed inside my cheek with my finger. No tooth broken that I could tell. No sore spot on my tongue. I leaned toward the window over the sink, trying to catch my reflection in the glass.

The kitchen light hummed overhead. It sizzled and flared and then finally went out. I was in darkness for a full heartbeat before everything came back on again with a high-pitched keening of electricity.

“What in the hell,” I said out loud to the cat.

She eyed me as though she thought I was going to splash her with hot dishwater.
“It’s interesting that you mention hell,” said a voice from behind me.

In that one second, every sense of safety fizzled into nothing.


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